Relatives Treatment

It's easy to think that everything will be fine if the family member stops playing. Relatives of gambling addicts are emotionally, financially, socially, and sometimes even physically affected. It's not uncommon to develop codependency. With the help of our treatment, it's possible to find yourself again. It's also possible to develop a functional and healthy relationship with your gambling family member.

Start your treatment now

Program Structure

    Start your treatment within <0>5 working days</0>
    The treatment is mainly conducted digitally via Zoom
    2 sessions every week
    Each session is 3 hours
    We meet in groups of at least 6 and maximum 10 people
    The treatment lasts for 5 weeks
    Regular self-help meetings
    Regular homework assignments

Even Relatives Need Treatment

Living close to a person with a gambling addiction is extremely difficult. Oscillating between hope and despair. Constant worry. Frustration and anger. It's the everyday life of a struggling relative. But it's never too late to change your situation. Gambling issues are something each individual needs to take responsibility for themselves. And the impact you're exposed to as a relative needs to be managed with help. It's possible to regain a functional and healthy relationship. It's possible to break codependency. But to succeed, as a relative, you need help finding yourself again and learning to set healthy boundaries. It's never a family member's fault that someone has fallen into a gambling addiction. However, as a relative, you often play a significant and important role in the person's recovery.

Topics We Discuss


Setting Boundaries

Need for Control







Am I Codependent?

The Path to Freedom

A New Way of Living

Many relatives have undergone our treatment and have been able to completely change their lives.

What we couldn't do on our own, we can do together. So giving up and asking for help is the beginning of a new way of living. There are many benefits to putting yourself in the driver's seat instead of everything revolving around what the gambler does or doesn't do.

Jenny anhörig

Previously my own well-being revolved solely around whether or not my son was gambling. With the tools I've received in treatment, it's no longer like that, which is incredibly relieving.

Jenny anhörig

Structure of Treatment for Relatives of Gamblers and Co-dependents

Relatives treatment is aimed at helping you in a close relationship with a gambler to find your way back to yourself. We aim to assist you in establishing a healthy relationship with the gambler and contribute to their recovery.


We get to know each other and discuss the purpose of the treatment.


Co-dependency and Enabling

What does it mean to be co-dependent or an enabler?



Understanding oneself as an important part of the healing process.



Development of negative and destructive control.



Establishing healthy boundaries and mutual respect.


Boundary Setting - Group Task

Reflecting on what is important to me. Connecting with emotions.


Guilt and Shame

What is guilt and what is shame? How does it affect us?


Guilt and Shame - Group Task

Increasing understanding of your own shame.



What are we grieving?


Recovery Plan

How do I move forward and what do I need to do?


Want to learn more about our treatments?

Fill out the contact form or call us at 08 - 660 10 45 if you want to learn more